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References 2006
Investor Description of works Total cost Kn
DP Elektra Šibenik Construction and reconstruction work in replacement of low-voltage network in SS Čavoglave 2 108.679,50
DP Elektra Šibenik Construction and reconstruction work in replacement of low-voltage network in SS Rakovo selo 99.135,00
Monter strojarska montaža d.o.o. Gas pipeline construction 4.428.886,55
HEP - Elektrodalmacija Split Electrical work 122.633,50
City of Šibenik Public lighting system 74.300,44
City of Šibenik Public lighting system 1.021.792,86
HEP - DP elektra Šibenik Construction work 5.000.000,00
HEP - DP elektra Šibenik Electrical work 4.250.000,00
Vodovod i odvodnja Šibenik Bilice water supply line 199.519,58
Antunović Varaždin Gas pipeline 564.000,00
Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development Power transmission line Obrovac 3.047.655,38
Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development Water supply networks  
City of Šibenik Danilo kraljice public lighting system 73.114,60
Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development Reconstruction of Pakovo selo-Žitnić water supply network 853.101,56
Remont i održavanje pruga Reconstruction of Rogač 3 and 4-rail track in Šibenik port 1.083.087,13
Hrvatske željeznice Zagreb Construction of connection roads on Knin-Split railway 1.085.731,60
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Electrical fitting work on the reconstruction and replacement of low-voltage network in SS Čavoglave 2 - facility 2 117.160.75
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Construction and electrical fitting work on power distribution structures of Orlić-Brdo substation area 77.432,00
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Construction work for DA Elektra Šibenik in Knin facility area 828.436,13
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Electrical fitting work for DA Elektra Šibenik in Knin facility area 947.663,10
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Electrical fitting work on Ramljane 2, 0.4 kV network 137.591,00
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Electrical fitting work on 0.4 kV Petojevići power distribution network 123.268,00
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Construction work on 0.4 kV Petojevići power distribution network 76.461,42
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Construction work on cabling a part of TL 10(20) kV in INA industrial zone and Kalun-Žitnić and the construction of 10(20) kV cable line Meterize (Drniš - Krateks) 158.706,72
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Construction work for DA Šibenik Elektra Knin facility 187.100,56
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Electrical fitting work for DA Šibenik Elektra Knin facility 186.891,95
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Construction and electrical fitting work on 0.4 kV Kotoraši power distribution network 132.337,50
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Electrical fitting work on 0.4 kV Kneževići power distribution network 134.090,00
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Construction and electrical fitting work on low-voltage network in SS Bradaši 1 23.252,00
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Construction and electrical fitting work on power distribution line 10(20) kV Rezalište Brodarica 2 and low-voltage cable lines in SS Rezalište 137.380,47
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Electrical fitting work on low-voltage network in SS Vujasinovići 162.208,00
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Construction work in the area of Šibenik facility – northwest 189.685,46
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Electrical fitting work on low-voltage network in SS Ostrovica 1 152.025,00
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Electrical fitting work on low-voltage network in SS Morpolača 114.469,00
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Construction work on low-voltage network in SS Ostrovica 105.396,00
HEP - DP Elektra Šibenik Electrical fitting work on the reconstruction and replacement of low-voltage network in SS Rakovo selo 106.178,65
City of Šibenik Construction of public lighting system in fra Jeronim Mileta street in Šibenik 74.300,44
City of Šibenik Construction of unclassified road Mažurica in the area of Baldekin 2 suburb in Šibenik 177.842,19
City of Šibenik Construction of public lighting system along the D8 state road through Brodarica in Šibenik 1.246.584,28
  Construction, annexing and reconstruction of water supply system in Gatar-Škola-Bosuć and in Mikulandra area in Bilice 199.519,58
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